Chuck next to Lucky Al during SEVROC, '06

As I'm working on this blog, I'm sitting in the same place I was when I took this picture, and looking at the empty chair next to me. I can just picture my friend sitting there now, just as he was then.

The back of Chuck's vest. SEVROC in Maggie Valley.

Dishner's restaurant in North Bend, OR. This is the same table that Skid and Sandy had breakfast just this last Sunday 7/20/08. We had seen Chuck off earlier that morning on his way back to Texas.

The small boat harbor in Charleston. This was taken in 2006. Chuck told me then that this would be a good place to hold a VROC rally. It came to pass, and he was there.

Sunset Bay, near where DD and Pebbles were married last Saturday night.

Like most of us, Chuck enjoyed his food! This was a Coos Bay Breakfast when he was here in 2006.

This T-Shirt was Chuck's idea, he bought it in Boscobel and had all that he could sign it. When he brought it to the house, I'd only been up and marginally walking for a couple of days. I still use that shirt to sleep in, it's a little to big for anything else, but makes a great night shirt.

Pat and Chuck are looking at something. He was sure a pleasure to have in our house.

Chuck did many different interesting things in his life, most that no one knows about, since he was such a quiet, humble person. He's been a pilot, a ham radio operator, and has worked at many interesting jobs. We also found out that he's president of a National horticulture club, and knows a whole lot about flowers and shrubs. Here, he's in the back yard taking pictures of Pat's flowers.

We take Chuck out to the 5th wheel trailer and get him settled in for the night.

Always a smiling face..We miss you already, Chuck.

Shelby and Chuck. But, for the Grace of God, Shelby could be with him right now. He also went down the same day, but wasn't hurt.

My good Friends. Kilo was a good customer when I had SCP, and became a close friend. We corresponded many times. About parts for his bike at first, then about vroc in general, then personal things when he was thinking about leaving Kansas. I met him first in 1999, then again at the Durango Rally in 2000, and several times at ES and SEVROC. My heart goes out to Babe and Buf.

Kilo and Hotsauce. Kilo was sort of a "greeter" at Maggie Valley. It was my first and only time so far to be there. If I go again, it won't seem the same without Kilo and Chuck, and Snake.

Ducktape and Kilo. Two happy, smiling faces at SEVROC